Package simple_acme_dns
simple_acme_dns is a Python ACME client specifically tailored to the DNS-01 challenge. This makes it easy to manage ACME
certificates and accounts all within Python without the need for an external tool like certbot
. Although this module
is intended for use with Let's Encrypt, it will support any CA utilizing the ACME v2 protocol.
Expand source code
# Copyright 2023 Jared Hendrickson
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
simple_acme_dns is a Python ACME client specifically tailored to the DNS-01 challenge. This makes it easy to manage ACME
certificates and accounts all within Python without the need for an external tool like `certbot`. Although this module
is intended for use with Let's Encrypt, it will support any CA utilizing the ACME v2 protocol.
import datetime
import json
import pathlib
import time
import OpenSSL
import josepy as jose
import validators
from acme import challenges
from acme import client
from acme import crypto_util
from acme import messages
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PrivateFormat, NoEncryption
from . import errors
from . import tools
# Constants and Variables
DNS_LABEL = '_acme-challenge'
__pdoc__ = {"tests": False} # Excludes 'tests' submodule from documentation
class ACMEClient:
A basic ACME client object to interface with a CA using the ACME DNS-01 challenge.
# This package is all about user simplicity, keeping all items contained to one class supports this.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods
def __init__(
domains: list = None,
email: str = None,
directory: str = "",
nameservers: list = None,
new_account: bool = False,
generate_csr: bool = False,
verify_ssl: bool = True
domains (list): A list of domains to request a certificate for.
email (str): An email address to use when registering new ACME accounts.
directory (str): The ACME directory URL to interact with.
nameservers (list): A list of DNS server hosts to query when checking DNS propagation.
new_account (bool): Automatically create a new ACME account upon creation.
generate_csr (bool): Automatically generate a new private key and CSR upon creation.
verify_ssl (bool): Verify the SSL certificate of the ACME server when making requests. This only applies
when creating a new account.
>>> import simple_acme_dns
>>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient(
... domains=["", ""],
... email="",
... directory="",
... nameservers=["", ""],
... new_account=True,
... generate_csr=True
... )
self.csr = ''.encode() = directory
self.directory_obj = None
self.account_key = None
self.account = None
self.account_path = None
self.nameservers = nameservers = None
self.order = None
self.final_order = None
self.responses = []
self.answers = []
self._domains = domains if domains else []
self._email = email
self._certificate = ''.encode()
self._private_key = ''.encode()
self._acme_client = None
self._verification_tokens = {}
# Automatically create a new account if requested
if new_account:
# Automatically create a new private key and CSR
if generate_csr:
def generate_csr(self) -> bytes:
Generates a new CSR using the object's `domains` and `private_key` attributes.
bytes: The X509 CSR data bytes-string. This method will update the `csr` attribute of the object
with the same value.
>>> client.generate_csr()
self.csr = crypto_util.make_csr(self.private_key,
return self.csr
def generate_private_key(self, key_type: str = 'ec256') -> bytes:
Generates a new RSA or EC private key.
key_type (str): The requested `private_key` type. Options are: [`ec256`, `ec384`, `rsa2048`, `rsa4096`]
bytes: The PEM encoded private key data bytes-string. This method will update the `private_key` property
of the object with the same value.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidKeyType: When an unknown/unsupported `key_type` is requested.
>>> client.generate_private_key(key_type="ec384")
# Generate a EC256 private key
if key_type == 'ec256':
key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1(), default_backend())
self.private_key = key.private_bytes(
# Generate a EC384 private key
elif key_type == 'ec384':
key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1(), default_backend())
self.private_key = key.private_bytes(
# Generate a RSA2048 private key
elif key_type == 'rsa2048':
key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey()
key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
self.private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)
# Generate a RSA4096 private key
elif key_type == 'rsa4096':
key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey()
key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 4096)
self.private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)
# Otherwise, the requested key type is not supported. Throw an error
options = ['ec256', 'ec384', 'rsa2048', 'rsa4096']
msg = f"Invalid private key rtype '{key_type}'. Options {options}"
raise errors.InvalidKeyType(msg)
return self.private_key
def generate_private_key_and_csr(self, key_type: str = 'ec256') -> tuple:
Generates a new private key and CSR.
key_type (str): The requested `private_key` type. Options are: [`ec256`, `ec384`, `rsa2048`, `rsa4096`]
tuple: A tuple with the first value containing the private key, the second value contains the CSR. This
method will update the `private_key` and `csr` properties of this object with the same values.
>>> client.generate_private_key_and_csr(key_type="rsa2048")
return self.private_key, self.csr
def request_verification_tokens(self) -> dict:
Requests verification tokens from the ACME server for each `domains` value. These tokens must be uploaded as
a DNS TXT record for each corresponding domain to complete verification.
dict: A dictionary where the key is the domain name the DNS name, and the value is a list of verification
token strings that must be uploaded as a TXT record for that DNS name.
>>> client.request_verification_tokens()
"": ["moY32lkdsZ3VWHM1mdM..."],
"": ["asldfkjslweietj23_b...", "nMIIEvAIBA2-212_w..."]
# Variables
verification_tokens = {}
self.responses = {}
self.order = self.acme_client.new_order(self.csr)
# Loop through each domain being challenged
for domain, challenge_items in self.challenges.items():
# Ensure the ACME label is prefixed to this domain and the wildcard is removed
domain = f"{DNS_LABEL}.{self.strip_wildcard(domain)}"
# Loop through each challenge for this domain and extract the response and verification token from each
for challenge in challenge_items:
# Create a dict list item for this domain to store it's associated verification tokens in
verification_tokens[domain] = verification_tokens[domain] if domain in verification_tokens else []
# Obtain the response and validation items from this challenge
response, validation = challenge.response_and_validation(
# Save the response, so it can be looked up later using the challenge token
self.responses[challenge.chall.token] = response
# Set our new verification tokens and return the value
self._verification_tokens = verification_tokens
return self.verification_tokens
def request_certificate(self, wait: int = 0, timeout: int = 90) -> bytes:
Requests a final verification answer from the ACME server and requests the certificate if verification was
successful. If you request the certificate before DNS has propagated and verification fails, you must start
the verification process over entirely by requesting new verification tokens.
wait (int): The amount of time (in seconds) to wait before requesting a challenge answer from the
server. This is only necessary if you are not using the `check_dns_propagation()` method to verify the
DNS records exist and would rather wait a specific amount of time instead.
timeout (int): The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the ACME server to respond with a certificate.
If the ACME server does not respond within this time-frame, the request will be considered a failure.
bytes: The PEM encoded certificate data bytes-string. This method will update the `certificate` attribute
with this value.
>>> client.request_certificate()
b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\\nMIIEfzCCA2egAwI...
# Allow the user to specify an amount of time to wait before requesting the certificate
deadline = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
# For each domain being challenged, request answers for their challenges
for _, challenge_list in self.challenges.items():
# Request an answer for each of this domain's challenges
for challenge in challenge_list:
self.acme_client.answer_challenge(challenge, self.responses[challenge.chall.token])
# Request our final order and save the certificate if successful
self.final_order = self.acme_client.poll_and_finalize(self.order, deadline=deadline)
self.certificate = self.final_order.fullchain_pem.encode()
return self.certificate
def revoke_certificate(self, reason: int = 0) -> None:
Attempts to revoke the existing certificate from the issuing ACME server.
reason (int): The numeric reason for revocation identifier. In most cases, this can be left as `0`.
For more information, refer to:
>>> client.revoke_certificate()
# Load the certificate crypto object and request revocation from the ACME server
cert_obj = jose.ComparableX509(OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.certificate))
self.acme_client.revoke(cert_obj, reason)
def new_account(self, verify_ssl=True) -> None:
Registers a new ACME account at the set ACME `directory` URL. By running this method, you are agreeing to the
ACME servers terms of use.
verify_ssl (bool): Verify the SSL certificate of the ACME server when making requests.
>>> client.new_account()
# Generate a new RSA2048 account key
rsa_key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend())
self.account_key = jose.JWKRSA(key=rsa_key)
# Initialize our ACME client object = client.ClientNetwork(self.account_key, user_agent='simple_acme_dns/v2', verify_ssl=verify_ssl)
self.directory_obj = messages.Directory.from_json(
self.acme_client = client.ClientV2(self.directory_obj,
# Complete registration
registration = messages.NewRegistration.from_data(email=self._email, terms_of_service_agreed=True)
self.account = self.acme_client.new_account(registration)
def deactivate_account(self, delete: bool = True) -> None:
Deactivates the current account registration. This action is irreversible.
delete (bool): Indicate whether the associated account file on the local system should also be
deleted after deactivation.
>>> client.deactivate_account()
# Tell the ACME server to deactivate this account
# If this object contains a linked file path, and deletion is requested, delete the linked file
if self.account_path and delete:
# Delete the file if it's present
except FileNotFoundError:
def export_account(self, save_certificate: bool = True, save_private_key: bool = False) -> str:
Exports the object as a JSON string. This allows the ACME account data to be exported to a string that can
be re-imported for use later.
save_certificate (bool): Indicate whether the existing certificate should also be stored in the
JSON string.
save_private_key (booL): Indicate whether the private key should also be stored in the JSON string.
str: The current object encoded as a JSON string.
>>> client.export_account(save_certificate=True, save_private_key=True)
'{"account": {"body": {"key": {"n": "vtByzpW..."}}}}'
# Format our object into a serializable format
acct_data = {
'account': self.account.to_json(),
'account_key': self.account_key.json_dumps(),
'domains': self._domains,
'certificate': self.certificate.decode() if save_certificate else '',
'private_key': self.private_key.decode() if save_private_key else ''
return json.dumps(acct_data)
def export_account_to_file(
path: str = '.',
name: str = 'account.json',
save_certificate: bool = True,
save_private_key: bool = False
) -> None:
Exports the object as a JSON string. This allows the ACME account data to be exported to a file that can
be re-imported for use later.
path (str): The directory path to save the account file to. Defaults to the current working directory.
name (str): The file name to save. Defaults to `account.json`.
save_certificate (bool): Indicate whether the existing certificate should also be stored in the
JSON string.
save_private_key (booL): Indicate whether the private key should also be stored in the JSON string.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidPath: when the requested directory path does not exist.
>>> client.export_account_to_file(
... path="/tmp/",
... name="my_acme_account.json",
... save_certificate=True,
... save_private_key=True
... )
dir_path = pathlib.Path(path).absolute()
# Ensure our path is an existing directory, throw an error otherwise
if dir_path.is_dir():
# Open the file and write our JSON content
with open(str(dir_path.joinpath(name)), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as account_file:
account_file.write(self.export_account(save_certificate, save_private_key))
self.account_path = str(dir_path.joinpath(name))
msg = f"Directory at '{path}' does not exist."
raise errors.InvalidPath(msg)
def load_account(json_data: str) -> 'ACMEClient':
Loads an existing account from a JSON data string created by the `export_account()` method.
json_data (str): The JSON account data string to import.
simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient: The imported ACMEClient object.
>>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient.load_account('{"account": {"body": {"key": {"n": "vtByzpW..."}}}}')
acct_data = json.loads(json_data)
obj = ACMEClient()
# Format the serialized data back into the object
verify_ssl = acct_data.get('verify_ssl', True) = acct_data.get('directory', None) = acct_data.get('domains', [])
obj.certificate = acct_data.get('certificate', '').encode()
obj.private_key = acct_data.get('private_key', '').encode()
if acct_data['account']['body']['contact']: = acct_data['account']['body']['contact'][0].replace('mailto:', '')
obj.account = messages.RegistrationResource.json_loads(json.dumps(acct_data['account']))
obj.account_key = jose.JWKRSA.json_loads(acct_data['account_key'])
# Re-initialize the ACME client and registration = client.ClientNetwork(obj.account_key, user_agent='simple_acme_dns/1.0.0', verify_ssl=verify_ssl)
obj.directory_obj = messages.Directory.from_json(
obj.acme_client = client.ClientV2(obj.directory_obj,
obj.account = obj.acme_client.query_registration(obj.account)
return obj
def load_account_from_file(filepath: str) -> 'ACMEClient':
Loads an existing account from a JSON file created by the `export_account_to_file()` method.
filepath (str): The JSON file path to import.
simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient: The imported ACMEClient object.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidPath: When the JSON file path does not exist.
>>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient.load_account('/tmp/my_acme_account.json')
filepath = pathlib.Path(filepath).absolute()
# Ensure our file exists, throw an error otherwise
if filepath.exists():
# Open our file and read it's contents.
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as json_file:
json_data =
# Load contents into a new object.
obj = ACMEClient.load_account(json_data)
obj.account_path = filepath
raise errors.InvalidPath(f"No JSON account file found at '{filepath}'")
return obj
def check_dns_propagation(
timeout: int = 300,
interval: int = 2,
authoritative: bool = False,
round_robin: bool = True,
verbose: bool = False
) -> bool:
Check's each of our domain's TXT record until the value matches it's verification token or until the timeout is
reached. This method should be executed before executing the `request_certificates()` method. This method can
take several minutes to complete, ensure you adjust the timeout value accordingly.
timeout (int): The amount of time (in seconds) to continue trying to verify the TXT records.
interval (int): The amount of time (in seconds) between DNS requests per domain.
authoritative (bool): Identify and use the authoritative nameserver for each domain instead of the
`nameservers` values.
round_robin (bool): Rotate between each nameserver instead of the default failover behavior.
verbose (bool): Print DNS answers to the console.
bool: A boolean indicating whether all the `domains` correctly return their verification token in
the corresponding TXT records.
>>> client.nameservers = ["", ""]
>>> client.check_dns_propagation(
... timeout=180,
... interval=5,
... authoritative=False,
... round_robin=True,
... verbose=False
... )
Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via
Token 'O32-fd_...' for '' not found in [] via
Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via
Token 'O32-fd_...' for '' found in ['O32-fd_...'] via
Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via
Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via
Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' found in ['moY3Cd0...'] via
# Variables
verified = []
resolvers = []
timeout = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)
# Create a DNS resolver objects for each domain being verified.
for domain, tokens in self._verification_tokens.items():
# Create a resolver for each token required for verification of this domain.
for token in tokens:
resolv = tools.DNSQuery(
resolvers.append((domain, token, resolv))
# Loop until we have exceeded our timeout value
while < timeout:
# Loop through each domain being verified
for domain, token, resolver in resolvers:
# Only try to verify the domain if it has not already been verified
if token not in verified:
# Save this domain as verified if our token was found in the TXT record values
if token in resolver.values:
# If verbose mode is enabled, print the results to the console
if verbose:
action = ('found' if token in verified else 'not found')
values = resolver.values
nameserver = resolver.last_nameserver
msg = f"Token '{token}' for '{domain}' {action} in {values} via {nameserver}"
# Check that all resolvers completed verification
if len(verified) == len(resolvers):
return True
# Avoid flooding the DNS server(s) by briefly pausing between DNS checks
return False
def strip_wildcard(domain: str) -> str:
Strips the wildcard portion of a domain (*.) if present.
domain (str): The domain string to strip wildcards from.
str: The domain string without the wildcard portion.
# If wildcard domain, strip of the wildcard to validate domain
return domain[2:] if domain[:2].startswith("*.") else domain
def challenges(self) -> dict:
Getter for the `challenges` property. Returns current DNS challenges found in our current ACME order.
dict: A dictionary where the key is the domain name, and the value is a list of Challenge objects.
simple_acme_dns.errors.OrderNotFound: When this property is called before the `order` object exists.
# Variables
challs = {}
# Do not allow this property to be called if an order has not been created beforehand.
if not self.order:
raise errors.OrderNotFound("Cannot get 'challenges' without an ACME order.")
# Loop through each of our authorizations
for auth in list(self.order.authorizations):
# Loop through each authorization's available challenges
for challenge in auth.body.challenges:
# If this challenge is a DNS01 Challenege object, add it to our challenges.
if isinstance(challenge.chall, challenges.DNS01):
# Capture the original domain requested
domain = auth.body.identifier.value
# Add this challenge to the dictionary item for this authorization's domain name
challs[domain] = challs[domain] if domain in challs else []
# If no challenges were found, throw an error
if not challs:
msg = f"ACME server at '{}' does not support DNS-01 challenge."
raise errors.ChallengeUnavailable(msg.format(directory=str(
return challs
def acme_client(self) -> client.ClientV2:
Getter for the `client` property. This checks that the ACME client is set up whenever it's referenced.
acme.client.ClientV2: The ClientV2 object needed to interact with the ACME server.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidAccount: When no account registration is configured for this object.
if not isinstance(self._acme_client, client.ClientV2):
msg = 'No account registration found. You must register a new account or load an existing account first.'
raise errors.InvalidAccount(msg)
return self._acme_client
def acme_client(self, value: client.ClientV2):
Setter for the `acme_client` property. This ensures the acme_client is an acme.client.ClientV2 object
value (str): The `acme_client` value being set.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidAccount: When the `value` is not a valid email address
if not isinstance(value, client.ClientV2):
msg = f"Value '{value}' is not an acme.client.ClientV2 object."
raise errors.InvalidAccount(msg)
self._acme_client = value
def email(self) -> str:
Getter for the `email` property. This checks that an email exists when it's referenced.
str: A string representation of the email address
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidEmail: When `email` is not set.
if not self._email:
msg = 'No account email found. You must set the _email value first.'
raise errors.InvalidEmail(msg)
return self._email
def email(self, value: str):
Setter for the `email` property. This ensures an email address is valid before setting.
value (str): The `email` value being set.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidEmail: When the `value` is not a valid email address
if not
msg = f"Value '{value}' is not a valid email address."
raise errors.InvalidEmail(msg)
self._email = value
def verification_tokens(self) -> dict:
Getter for the `verification_tokens` property. This checks that verification tokens already
exist whenever they are referenced.
dict: A dictionary where the key is the verification domain name, and the value is a list of tokens for
that domain. A DNS TXT entry must be created for each domain name with each of it's corresponding
tokens as the TXT value.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidVerificationToken: When no verification tokens have been requested using
the `request_verification_tokens()` method.
if not self._verification_tokens:
msg = 'No verification tokens found. You must run request_verification_tokens() first.'
raise errors.InvalidVerificationToken(msg)
return self._verification_tokens
def domains(self) -> list:
Getter for the `domains` property. This checks that domains are already set whenever it's referenced.
list: A list of domain names currently set.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidDomain: When no `domains` have been set.
if not self._domains:
msg = 'No domains found. You must set the domains value first.'
raise errors.InvalidDomain(msg)
return self._domains
def domains(self, value) -> None:
Setter for the `domains` property. This checks that the assigned domains value is a list of valid FQDNs.
value (str): A list of domains to be set.
list: A list of valid domain names.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidDomain: When one or more domains are invalid.
# Ensure set value is a list
if not isinstance(value, list):
msg = "Domains must be of type 'list'."
raise errors.InvalidDomain(msg)
# Ensure each domain within the list is an RFC2181 compliant hostname
for domain in value:
# Check that value (minus the wildcard if present) is a valid FQDN
if not validators.domain(self.strip_wildcard(domain)):
msg = f"Invalid domain name '{domain}'. Domain name must adhere to RFC2181."
raise errors.InvalidDomain(msg)
# If we've made it this far, the value is valid. Set it.
self._domains = value
def csr(self) -> bytes:
Getter for the `csr` property. This checks that a CSR is already set whenever it's referenced.
bytes: The current PEM encoded CSR data bytes-string if present.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidCSR: When the `csr` value has not been set yet.
# Throw an error if the CSR is referenced before it is set
if not self._csr:
raise errors.InvalidCSR("CSR value must be set before referencing 'csr'.")
return self._csr
def csr(self, value: bytes) -> None:
Setter for the 'csr' property. This ensures the set value is a bytes-string.
value (bytes): The CSR value being set.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidCSR: When the `csr` value being set is not of type `bytes`.
# Convert string assignments to bytes
if not isinstance(value, bytes):
raise errors.InvalidCSR("CSR must be type 'bytes'.")
self._csr = value
def certificate(self) -> bytes:
Getter for the `certificate` property. This checks that a certificate is already set whenever it's referenced.
bytes: The current PEM encoded certificate data bytes-string if present.
return self._certificate
def certificate(self, value: bytes) -> None:
Setter for the 'certificate' property. This ensures the set value is a bytes-string.
value (bytes): The certificate value being set.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidCertificate: When the `certificate` value being set is not of type `bytes`.
# Convert string assignments to bytes
if not isinstance(value, bytes):
raise errors.InvalidCertificate("Certificate must be type 'bytes'.")
self._certificate = value
def private_key(self) -> bytes:
Getter for the 'private_key' property. This checks that a private_key is already set whenever it's referenced.
bytes: The PEM encoded `private_key` bytes-string that is currently set if present.
return self._private_key
def private_key(self, value: bytes) -> None:
Setter for the 'private_key' property. This ensures the set value is a bytes-string.
value (bytes): The `private_key` value being set.
simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidPrivateKey: When no `private_key` value has been set.
# Convert string assignments to bytes
if not isinstance(value, bytes):
raise errors.InvalidPrivateKey("Private key must be type 'bytes'.")
self._private_key = value
Custom exception classes for simple_acme_dns.
DNS tools to assist ACME verification.
class ACMEClient (domains: list = None, email: str = None, directory: str = '', nameservers: list = None, new_account: bool = False, generate_csr: bool = False, verify_ssl: bool = True)
A basic ACME client object to interface with a CA using the ACME DNS-01 challenge.
- A list of domains to request a certificate for.
- An email address to use when registering new ACME accounts.
- The ACME directory URL to interact with.
- A list of DNS server hosts to query when checking DNS propagation.
- Automatically create a new ACME account upon creation.
- Automatically generate a new private key and CSR upon creation.
- Verify the SSL certificate of the ACME server when making requests. This only applies when creating a new account.
>>> import simple_acme_dns >>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient( ... domains=["", ""], ... email="", ... directory="", ... nameservers=["", ""], ... new_account=True, ... generate_csr=True ... )
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class ACMEClient: """ A basic ACME client object to interface with a CA using the ACME DNS-01 challenge. """ # This package is all about user simplicity, keeping all items contained to one class supports this. # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods def __init__( self, domains: list = None, email: str = None, directory: str = "", nameservers: list = None, new_account: bool = False, generate_csr: bool = False, verify_ssl: bool = True ): """ Args: domains (list): A list of domains to request a certificate for. email (str): An email address to use when registering new ACME accounts. directory (str): The ACME directory URL to interact with. nameservers (list): A list of DNS server hosts to query when checking DNS propagation. new_account (bool): Automatically create a new ACME account upon creation. generate_csr (bool): Automatically generate a new private key and CSR upon creation. verify_ssl (bool): Verify the SSL certificate of the ACME server when making requests. This only applies when creating a new account. Examples: >>> import simple_acme_dns >>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient( ... domains=["", ""], ... email="", ... directory="", ... nameservers=["", ""], ... new_account=True, ... generate_csr=True ... ) """ self.csr = ''.encode() = directory self.directory_obj = None self.account_key = None self.account = None self.account_path = None self.nameservers = nameservers = None self.order = None self.final_order = None self.responses = [] self.answers = [] self._domains = domains if domains else [] self._email = email self._certificate = ''.encode() self._private_key = ''.encode() self._acme_client = None self._verification_tokens = {} # Automatically create a new account if requested if new_account: self.new_account(verify_ssl=verify_ssl) # Automatically create a new private key and CSR if generate_csr: self.generate_private_key_and_csr() def generate_csr(self) -> bytes: """ Generates a new CSR using the object's `domains` and `private_key` attributes. Returns: bytes: The X509 CSR data bytes-string. This method will update the `csr` attribute of the object with the same value. Examples: >>> client.generate_csr() b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\\nMIHxMIGZAgECMAAwWTATBgckjkn...' """ self.csr = crypto_util.make_csr(self.private_key, return self.csr def generate_private_key(self, key_type: str = 'ec256') -> bytes: """ Generates a new RSA or EC private key. Args: key_type (str): The requested `private_key` type. Options are: [`ec256`, `ec384`, `rsa2048`, `rsa4096`] Returns: bytes: The PEM encoded private key data bytes-string. This method will update the `private_key` property of the object with the same value. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidKeyType: When an unknown/unsupported `key_type` is requested. Examples: >>> client.generate_private_key(key_type="ec384") b'-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\\nMIGkAgEBBDAZRFNLcQdVJmLh42p8F4D92...' """ # Generate a EC256 private key if key_type == 'ec256': key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1(), default_backend()) self.private_key = key.private_bytes( encoding=Encoding.PEM, format=PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=NoEncryption()) # Generate a EC384 private key elif key_type == 'ec384': key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1(), default_backend()) self.private_key = key.private_bytes( encoding=Encoding.PEM, format=PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=NoEncryption() ) # Generate a RSA2048 private key elif key_type == 'rsa2048': key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey() key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048) self.private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key) # Generate a RSA4096 private key elif key_type == 'rsa4096': key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey() key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 4096) self.private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key) # Otherwise, the requested key type is not supported. Throw an error else: options = ['ec256', 'ec384', 'rsa2048', 'rsa4096'] msg = f"Invalid private key rtype '{key_type}'. Options {options}" raise errors.InvalidKeyType(msg) return self.private_key def generate_private_key_and_csr(self, key_type: str = 'ec256') -> tuple: """ Generates a new private key and CSR. Args: key_type (str): The requested `private_key` type. Options are: [`ec256`, `ec384`, `rsa2048`, `rsa4096`] Returns: tuple: A tuple with the first value containing the private key, the second value contains the CSR. This method will update the `private_key` and `csr` properties of this object with the same values. Examples: >>> client.generate_private_key_and_csr(key_type="rsa2048") (b'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nMIIEvAIBA...', b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\\nMIHxM...') """ self.generate_private_key(key_type=key_type) self.generate_csr() return self.private_key, self.csr def request_verification_tokens(self) -> dict: """ Requests verification tokens from the ACME server for each `domains` value. These tokens must be uploaded as a DNS TXT record for each corresponding domain to complete verification. Returns: dict: A dictionary where the key is the domain name the DNS name, and the value is a list of verification token strings that must be uploaded as a TXT record for that DNS name. Examples: >>> client.request_verification_tokens() { "": ["moY32lkdsZ3VWHM1mdM..."], "": ["asldfkjslweietj23_b...", "nMIIEvAIBA2-212_w..."] } """ # Variables verification_tokens = {} self.responses = {} self.order = self.acme_client.new_order(self.csr) # Loop through each domain being challenged for domain, challenge_items in self.challenges.items(): # Ensure the ACME label is prefixed to this domain and the wildcard is removed domain = f"{DNS_LABEL}.{self.strip_wildcard(domain)}" # Loop through each challenge for this domain and extract the response and verification token from each for challenge in challenge_items: # Create a dict list item for this domain to store it's associated verification tokens in verification_tokens[domain] = verification_tokens[domain] if domain in verification_tokens else [] # Obtain the response and validation items from this challenge response, validation = challenge.response_and_validation( verification_tokens[domain].append(validation) # Save the response, so it can be looked up later using the challenge token self.responses[challenge.chall.token] = response # Set our new verification tokens and return the value self._verification_tokens = verification_tokens return self.verification_tokens def request_certificate(self, wait: int = 0, timeout: int = 90) -> bytes: """ Requests a final verification answer from the ACME server and requests the certificate if verification was successful. If you request the certificate before DNS has propagated and verification fails, you must start the verification process over entirely by requesting new verification tokens. Args: wait (int): The amount of time (in seconds) to wait before requesting a challenge answer from the server. This is only necessary if you are not using the `check_dns_propagation()` method to verify the DNS records exist and would rather wait a specific amount of time instead. timeout (int): The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the ACME server to respond with a certificate. If the ACME server does not respond within this time-frame, the request will be considered a failure. Returns: bytes: The PEM encoded certificate data bytes-string. This method will update the `certificate` attribute with this value. Examples: >>> client.request_certificate() b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\\nMIIEfzCCA2egAwI... """ # Allow the user to specify an amount of time to wait before requesting the certificate time.sleep(wait) deadline = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) # For each domain being challenged, request answers for their challenges for _, challenge_list in self.challenges.items(): # Request an answer for each of this domain's challenges for challenge in challenge_list: self.answers.append( self.acme_client.answer_challenge(challenge, self.responses[challenge.chall.token]) ) # Request our final order and save the certificate if successful self.final_order = self.acme_client.poll_and_finalize(self.order, deadline=deadline) self.certificate = self.final_order.fullchain_pem.encode() return self.certificate def revoke_certificate(self, reason: int = 0) -> None: """ Attempts to revoke the existing certificate from the issuing ACME server. Args: reason (int): The numeric reason for revocation identifier. In most cases, this can be left as `0`. For more information, refer to: Examples: >>> client.revoke_certificate() """ # Load the certificate crypto object and request revocation from the ACME server cert_obj = jose.ComparableX509(OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.certificate)) self.acme_client.revoke(cert_obj, reason) def new_account(self, verify_ssl=True) -> None: """ Registers a new ACME account at the set ACME `directory` URL. By running this method, you are agreeing to the ACME servers terms of use. Args: verify_ssl (bool): Verify the SSL certificate of the ACME server when making requests. Examples: >>> client.new_account() """ # Generate a new RSA2048 account key rsa_key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend()) self.account_key = jose.JWKRSA(key=rsa_key) # Initialize our ACME client object = client.ClientNetwork(self.account_key, user_agent='simple_acme_dns/v2', verify_ssl=verify_ssl) self.directory_obj = messages.Directory.from_json( self.acme_client = client.ClientV2(self.directory_obj, # Complete registration registration = messages.NewRegistration.from_data(email=self._email, terms_of_service_agreed=True) self.account = self.acme_client.new_account(registration) def deactivate_account(self, delete: bool = True) -> None: """ Deactivates the current account registration. This action is irreversible. Args: delete (bool): Indicate whether the associated account file on the local system should also be deleted after deactivation. Examples: >>> client.deactivate_account() """ # Tell the ACME server to deactivate this account self.acme_client.deactivate_registration(self.account) # If this object contains a linked file path, and deletion is requested, delete the linked file if self.account_path and delete: # Delete the file if it's present try: pathlib.Path(self.account_path).unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass def export_account(self, save_certificate: bool = True, save_private_key: bool = False) -> str: """ Exports the object as a JSON string. This allows the ACME account data to be exported to a string that can be re-imported for use later. Args: save_certificate (bool): Indicate whether the existing certificate should also be stored in the JSON string. save_private_key (booL): Indicate whether the private key should also be stored in the JSON string. Returns: str: The current object encoded as a JSON string. Examples: >>> client.export_account(save_certificate=True, save_private_key=True) '{"account": {"body": {"key": {"n": "vtByzpW..."}}}}' """ # Format our object into a serializable format acct_data = { 'account': self.account.to_json(), 'account_key': self.account_key.json_dumps(), 'directory':, 'verify_ssl':, 'domains': self._domains, 'certificate': self.certificate.decode() if save_certificate else '', 'private_key': self.private_key.decode() if save_private_key else '' } return json.dumps(acct_data) def export_account_to_file( self, path: str = '.', name: str = 'account.json', save_certificate: bool = True, save_private_key: bool = False ) -> None: """ Exports the object as a JSON string. This allows the ACME account data to be exported to a file that can be re-imported for use later. Args: path (str): The directory path to save the account file to. Defaults to the current working directory. name (str): The file name to save. Defaults to `account.json`. save_certificate (bool): Indicate whether the existing certificate should also be stored in the JSON string. save_private_key (booL): Indicate whether the private key should also be stored in the JSON string. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidPath: when the requested directory path does not exist. Examples: >>> client.export_account_to_file( ... path="/tmp/", ... name="my_acme_account.json", ... save_certificate=True, ... save_private_key=True ... ) """ dir_path = pathlib.Path(path).absolute() # Ensure our path is an existing directory, throw an error otherwise if dir_path.is_dir(): # Open the file and write our JSON content with open(str(dir_path.joinpath(name)), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as account_file: account_file.write(self.export_account(save_certificate, save_private_key)) self.account_path = str(dir_path.joinpath(name)) else: msg = f"Directory at '{path}' does not exist." raise errors.InvalidPath(msg) @staticmethod def load_account(json_data: str) -> 'ACMEClient': """ Loads an existing account from a JSON data string created by the `export_account()` method. Args: json_data (str): The JSON account data string to import. Returns: simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient: The imported ACMEClient object. Examples: >>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient.load_account('{"account": {"body": {"key": {"n": "vtByzpW..."}}}}') """ acct_data = json.loads(json_data) obj = ACMEClient() # Format the serialized data back into the object verify_ssl = acct_data.get('verify_ssl', True) = acct_data.get('directory', None) = acct_data.get('domains', []) obj.certificate = acct_data.get('certificate', '').encode() obj.private_key = acct_data.get('private_key', '').encode() if acct_data['account']['body']['contact']: = acct_data['account']['body']['contact'][0].replace('mailto:', '') obj.account = messages.RegistrationResource.json_loads(json.dumps(acct_data['account'])) obj.account_key = jose.JWKRSA.json_loads(acct_data['account_key']) # Re-initialize the ACME client and registration = client.ClientNetwork(obj.account_key, user_agent='simple_acme_dns/1.0.0', verify_ssl=verify_ssl) obj.directory_obj = messages.Directory.from_json( obj.acme_client = client.ClientV2(obj.directory_obj, obj.account = obj.acme_client.query_registration(obj.account) return obj @staticmethod def load_account_from_file(filepath: str) -> 'ACMEClient': """ Loads an existing account from a JSON file created by the `export_account_to_file()` method. Args: filepath (str): The JSON file path to import. Returns: simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient: The imported ACMEClient object. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidPath: When the JSON file path does not exist. Examples: >>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient.load_account('/tmp/my_acme_account.json') """ filepath = pathlib.Path(filepath).absolute() # Ensure our file exists, throw an error otherwise if filepath.exists(): # Open our file and read it's contents. with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json_data = # Load contents into a new object. obj = ACMEClient.load_account(json_data) obj.account_path = filepath else: raise errors.InvalidPath(f"No JSON account file found at '{filepath}'") return obj def check_dns_propagation( self, timeout: int = 300, interval: int = 2, authoritative: bool = False, round_robin: bool = True, verbose: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Check's each of our domain's TXT record until the value matches it's verification token or until the timeout is reached. This method should be executed before executing the `request_certificates()` method. This method can take several minutes to complete, ensure you adjust the timeout value accordingly. Args: timeout (int): The amount of time (in seconds) to continue trying to verify the TXT records. interval (int): The amount of time (in seconds) between DNS requests per domain. authoritative (bool): Identify and use the authoritative nameserver for each domain instead of the `nameservers` values. round_robin (bool): Rotate between each nameserver instead of the default failover behavior. verbose (bool): Print DNS answers to the console. Returns: bool: A boolean indicating whether all the `domains` correctly return their verification token in the corresponding TXT records. Examples: >>> client.nameservers = ["", ""] >>> client.check_dns_propagation( ... timeout=180, ... interval=5, ... authoritative=False, ... round_robin=True, ... verbose=False ... ) Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'O32-fd_...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'O32-fd_...' for '' found in ['O32-fd_...'] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' found in ['moY3Cd0...'] via True """ # Variables verified = [] resolvers = [] timeout = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) # Create a DNS resolver objects for each domain being verified. for domain, tokens in self._verification_tokens.items(): # Create a resolver for each token required for verification of this domain. for token in tokens: resolv = tools.DNSQuery( domain, rtype='TXT', authoritative=authoritative, nameservers=self.nameservers, round_robin=round_robin ) resolvers.append((domain, token, resolv)) # Loop until we have exceeded our timeout value while < timeout: # Loop through each domain being verified for domain, token, resolver in resolvers: # Only try to verify the domain if it has not already been verified if token not in verified: resolver.resolve() # Save this domain as verified if our token was found in the TXT record values if token in resolver.values: verified.append(token) # If verbose mode is enabled, print the results to the console if verbose: action = ('found' if token in verified else 'not found') values = resolver.values nameserver = resolver.last_nameserver msg = f"Token '{token}' for '{domain}' {action} in {values} via {nameserver}" print(msg) # Check that all resolvers completed verification if len(verified) == len(resolvers): return True # Avoid flooding the DNS server(s) by briefly pausing between DNS checks time.sleep(interval) return False @staticmethod def strip_wildcard(domain: str) -> str: """ Strips the wildcard portion of a domain (*.) if present. Args: domain (str): The domain string to strip wildcards from. Returns: str: The domain string without the wildcard portion. """ # If wildcard domain, strip of the wildcard to validate domain return domain[2:] if domain[:2].startswith("*.") else domain @property def challenges(self) -> dict: """ Getter for the `challenges` property. Returns current DNS challenges found in our current ACME order. Returns: dict: A dictionary where the key is the domain name, and the value is a list of Challenge objects. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.OrderNotFound: When this property is called before the `order` object exists. """ # Variables challs = {} # Do not allow this property to be called if an order has not been created beforehand. if not self.order: raise errors.OrderNotFound("Cannot get 'challenges' without an ACME order.") # Loop through each of our authorizations for auth in list(self.order.authorizations): # Loop through each authorization's available challenges for challenge in auth.body.challenges: # If this challenge is a DNS01 Challenege object, add it to our challenges. if isinstance(challenge.chall, challenges.DNS01): # Capture the original domain requested domain = auth.body.identifier.value # Add this challenge to the dictionary item for this authorization's domain name challs[domain] = challs[domain] if domain in challs else [] challs[domain].append(challenge) # If no challenges were found, throw an error if not challs: msg = f"ACME server at '{}' does not support DNS-01 challenge." raise errors.ChallengeUnavailable(msg.format(directory=str( return challs @property def acme_client(self) -> client.ClientV2: """ Getter for the `client` property. This checks that the ACME client is set up whenever it's referenced. Returns: acme.client.ClientV2: The ClientV2 object needed to interact with the ACME server. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidAccount: When no account registration is configured for this object. """ if not isinstance(self._acme_client, client.ClientV2): msg = 'No account registration found. You must register a new account or load an existing account first.' raise errors.InvalidAccount(msg) return self._acme_client @acme_client.setter def acme_client(self, value: client.ClientV2): """ Setter for the `acme_client` property. This ensures the acme_client is an acme.client.ClientV2 object Args value (str): The `acme_client` value being set. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidAccount: When the `value` is not a valid email address """ if not isinstance(value, client.ClientV2): msg = f"Value '{value}' is not an acme.client.ClientV2 object." raise errors.InvalidAccount(msg) self._acme_client = value @property def email(self) -> str: """ Getter for the `email` property. This checks that an email exists when it's referenced. Returns: str: A string representation of the email address Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidEmail: When `email` is not set. """ if not self._email: msg = 'No account email found. You must set the _email value first.' raise errors.InvalidEmail(msg) return self._email @email.setter def email(self, value: str): """ Setter for the `email` property. This ensures an email address is valid before setting. Args value (str): The `email` value being set. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidEmail: When the `value` is not a valid email address """ if not msg = f"Value '{value}' is not a valid email address." raise errors.InvalidEmail(msg) self._email = value @property def verification_tokens(self) -> dict: """ Getter for the `verification_tokens` property. This checks that verification tokens already exist whenever they are referenced. Returns: dict: A dictionary where the key is the verification domain name, and the value is a list of tokens for that domain. A DNS TXT entry must be created for each domain name with each of it's corresponding tokens as the TXT value. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidVerificationToken: When no verification tokens have been requested using the `request_verification_tokens()` method. """ if not self._verification_tokens: msg = 'No verification tokens found. You must run request_verification_tokens() first.' raise errors.InvalidVerificationToken(msg) return self._verification_tokens @property def domains(self) -> list: """ Getter for the `domains` property. This checks that domains are already set whenever it's referenced. Returns: list: A list of domain names currently set. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidDomain: When no `domains` have been set. """ if not self._domains: msg = 'No domains found. You must set the domains value first.' raise errors.InvalidDomain(msg) return self._domains @domains.setter def domains(self, value) -> None: """ Setter for the `domains` property. This checks that the assigned domains value is a list of valid FQDNs. Args: value (str): A list of domains to be set. Returns: list: A list of valid domain names. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidDomain: When one or more domains are invalid. """ # Ensure set value is a list if not isinstance(value, list): msg = "Domains must be of type 'list'." raise errors.InvalidDomain(msg) # Ensure each domain within the list is an RFC2181 compliant hostname for domain in value: # Check that value (minus the wildcard if present) is a valid FQDN if not validators.domain(self.strip_wildcard(domain)): msg = f"Invalid domain name '{domain}'. Domain name must adhere to RFC2181." raise errors.InvalidDomain(msg) # If we've made it this far, the value is valid. Set it. self._domains = value @property def csr(self) -> bytes: """ Getter for the `csr` property. This checks that a CSR is already set whenever it's referenced. Returns: bytes: The current PEM encoded CSR data bytes-string if present. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidCSR: When the `csr` value has not been set yet. """ # Throw an error if the CSR is referenced before it is set if not self._csr: raise errors.InvalidCSR("CSR value must be set before referencing 'csr'.") return self._csr @csr.setter def csr(self, value: bytes) -> None: """ Setter for the 'csr' property. This ensures the set value is a bytes-string. Args: value (bytes): The CSR value being set. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidCSR: When the `csr` value being set is not of type `bytes`. """ # Convert string assignments to bytes if not isinstance(value, bytes): raise errors.InvalidCSR("CSR must be type 'bytes'.") self._csr = value @property def certificate(self) -> bytes: """ Getter for the `certificate` property. This checks that a certificate is already set whenever it's referenced. Returns: bytes: The current PEM encoded certificate data bytes-string if present. """ return self._certificate @certificate.setter def certificate(self, value: bytes) -> None: """ Setter for the 'certificate' property. This ensures the set value is a bytes-string. Args: value (bytes): The certificate value being set. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidCertificate: When the `certificate` value being set is not of type `bytes`. """ # Convert string assignments to bytes if not isinstance(value, bytes): raise errors.InvalidCertificate("Certificate must be type 'bytes'.") self._certificate = value @property def private_key(self) -> bytes: """ Getter for the 'private_key' property. This checks that a private_key is already set whenever it's referenced. Returns: bytes: The PEM encoded `private_key` bytes-string that is currently set if present. """ return self._private_key @private_key.setter def private_key(self, value: bytes) -> None: """ Setter for the 'private_key' property. This ensures the set value is a bytes-string. Args: value (bytes): The `private_key` value being set. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidPrivateKey: When no `private_key` value has been set. """ # Convert string assignments to bytes if not isinstance(value, bytes): raise errors.InvalidPrivateKey("Private key must be type 'bytes'.") self._private_key = value
Static methods
def load_account(json_data: str) ‑> ACMEClient
Loads an existing account from a JSON data string created by the
- The JSON account data string to import.
- The imported ACMEClient object.
>>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient.load_account('{"account": {"body": {"key": {"n": "vtByzpW..."}}}}')
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@staticmethod def load_account(json_data: str) -> 'ACMEClient': """ Loads an existing account from a JSON data string created by the `export_account()` method. Args: json_data (str): The JSON account data string to import. Returns: simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient: The imported ACMEClient object. Examples: >>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient.load_account('{"account": {"body": {"key": {"n": "vtByzpW..."}}}}') """ acct_data = json.loads(json_data) obj = ACMEClient() # Format the serialized data back into the object verify_ssl = acct_data.get('verify_ssl', True) = acct_data.get('directory', None) = acct_data.get('domains', []) obj.certificate = acct_data.get('certificate', '').encode() obj.private_key = acct_data.get('private_key', '').encode() if acct_data['account']['body']['contact']: = acct_data['account']['body']['contact'][0].replace('mailto:', '') obj.account = messages.RegistrationResource.json_loads(json.dumps(acct_data['account'])) obj.account_key = jose.JWKRSA.json_loads(acct_data['account_key']) # Re-initialize the ACME client and registration = client.ClientNetwork(obj.account_key, user_agent='simple_acme_dns/1.0.0', verify_ssl=verify_ssl) obj.directory_obj = messages.Directory.from_json( obj.acme_client = client.ClientV2(obj.directory_obj, obj.account = obj.acme_client.query_registration(obj.account) return obj
def load_account_from_file(filepath: str) ‑> ACMEClient
Loads an existing account from a JSON file created by the
- The JSON file path to import.
- The imported ACMEClient object.
- When the JSON file path does not exist.
>>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient.load_account('/tmp/my_acme_account.json')
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@staticmethod def load_account_from_file(filepath: str) -> 'ACMEClient': """ Loads an existing account from a JSON file created by the `export_account_to_file()` method. Args: filepath (str): The JSON file path to import. Returns: simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient: The imported ACMEClient object. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidPath: When the JSON file path does not exist. Examples: >>> client = simple_acme_dns.ACMEClient.load_account('/tmp/my_acme_account.json') """ filepath = pathlib.Path(filepath).absolute() # Ensure our file exists, throw an error otherwise if filepath.exists(): # Open our file and read it's contents. with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json_data = # Load contents into a new object. obj = ACMEClient.load_account(json_data) obj.account_path = filepath else: raise errors.InvalidPath(f"No JSON account file found at '{filepath}'") return obj
def strip_wildcard(domain: str) ‑> str
Strips the wildcard portion of a domain (*.) if present.
- The domain string to strip wildcards from.
- The domain string without the wildcard portion.
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@staticmethod def strip_wildcard(domain: str) -> str: """ Strips the wildcard portion of a domain (*.) if present. Args: domain (str): The domain string to strip wildcards from. Returns: str: The domain string without the wildcard portion. """ # If wildcard domain, strip of the wildcard to validate domain return domain[2:] if domain[:2].startswith("*.") else domain
Instance variables
var acme_client : acme.client.ClientV2
Getter for the
property. This checks that the ACME client is set up whenever it's referenced.Returns
- The ClientV2 object needed to interact with the ACME server.
- When no account registration is configured for this object.
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@property def acme_client(self) -> client.ClientV2: """ Getter for the `client` property. This checks that the ACME client is set up whenever it's referenced. Returns: acme.client.ClientV2: The ClientV2 object needed to interact with the ACME server. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidAccount: When no account registration is configured for this object. """ if not isinstance(self._acme_client, client.ClientV2): msg = 'No account registration found. You must register a new account or load an existing account first.' raise errors.InvalidAccount(msg) return self._acme_client
var certificate : bytes
Getter for the
property. This checks that a certificate is already set whenever it's referenced.Returns
- The current PEM encoded certificate data bytes-string if present.
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@property def certificate(self) -> bytes: """ Getter for the `certificate` property. This checks that a certificate is already set whenever it's referenced. Returns: bytes: The current PEM encoded certificate data bytes-string if present. """ return self._certificate
var challenges : dict
Getter for the
property. Returns current DNS challenges found in our current ACME order.Returns
- A dictionary where the key is the domain name, and the value is a list of Challenge objects.
- When this property is called before the
object exists.
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@property def challenges(self) -> dict: """ Getter for the `challenges` property. Returns current DNS challenges found in our current ACME order. Returns: dict: A dictionary where the key is the domain name, and the value is a list of Challenge objects. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.OrderNotFound: When this property is called before the `order` object exists. """ # Variables challs = {} # Do not allow this property to be called if an order has not been created beforehand. if not self.order: raise errors.OrderNotFound("Cannot get 'challenges' without an ACME order.") # Loop through each of our authorizations for auth in list(self.order.authorizations): # Loop through each authorization's available challenges for challenge in auth.body.challenges: # If this challenge is a DNS01 Challenege object, add it to our challenges. if isinstance(challenge.chall, challenges.DNS01): # Capture the original domain requested domain = auth.body.identifier.value # Add this challenge to the dictionary item for this authorization's domain name challs[domain] = challs[domain] if domain in challs else [] challs[domain].append(challenge) # If no challenges were found, throw an error if not challs: msg = f"ACME server at '{}' does not support DNS-01 challenge." raise errors.ChallengeUnavailable(msg.format(directory=str( return challs
var csr : bytes
Getter for the
property. This checks that a CSR is already set whenever it's referenced.Returns
- The current PEM encoded CSR data bytes-string if present.
- When the
value has not been set yet.
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@property def csr(self) -> bytes: """ Getter for the `csr` property. This checks that a CSR is already set whenever it's referenced. Returns: bytes: The current PEM encoded CSR data bytes-string if present. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidCSR: When the `csr` value has not been set yet. """ # Throw an error if the CSR is referenced before it is set if not self._csr: raise errors.InvalidCSR("CSR value must be set before referencing 'csr'.") return self._csr
var domains : list
Getter for the
property. This checks that domains are already set whenever it's referenced.Returns
- A list of domain names currently set.
- When no
have been set.
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@property def domains(self) -> list: """ Getter for the `domains` property. This checks that domains are already set whenever it's referenced. Returns: list: A list of domain names currently set. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidDomain: When no `domains` have been set. """ if not self._domains: msg = 'No domains found. You must set the domains value first.' raise errors.InvalidDomain(msg) return self._domains
var email : str
Getter for the
property. This checks that an email exists when it's referenced.Returns
- A string representation of the email address
- When
is not set.
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@property def email(self) -> str: """ Getter for the `email` property. This checks that an email exists when it's referenced. Returns: str: A string representation of the email address Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidEmail: When `email` is not set. """ if not self._email: msg = 'No account email found. You must set the _email value first.' raise errors.InvalidEmail(msg) return self._email
var private_key : bytes
Getter for the 'private_key' property. This checks that a private_key is already set whenever it's referenced.
- The PEM encoded
bytes-string that is currently set if present.
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@property def private_key(self) -> bytes: """ Getter for the 'private_key' property. This checks that a private_key is already set whenever it's referenced. Returns: bytes: The PEM encoded `private_key` bytes-string that is currently set if present. """ return self._private_key
var verification_tokens : dict
Getter for the
property. This checks that verification tokens already exist whenever they are referenced.Returns
- A dictionary where the key is the verification domain name, and the value is a list of tokens for that domain. A DNS TXT entry must be created for each domain name with each of it's corresponding tokens as the TXT value.
- When no verification tokens have been requested using
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@property def verification_tokens(self) -> dict: """ Getter for the `verification_tokens` property. This checks that verification tokens already exist whenever they are referenced. Returns: dict: A dictionary where the key is the verification domain name, and the value is a list of tokens for that domain. A DNS TXT entry must be created for each domain name with each of it's corresponding tokens as the TXT value. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidVerificationToken: When no verification tokens have been requested using the `request_verification_tokens()` method. """ if not self._verification_tokens: msg = 'No verification tokens found. You must run request_verification_tokens() first.' raise errors.InvalidVerificationToken(msg) return self._verification_tokens
def check_dns_propagation(self, timeout: int = 300, interval: int = 2, authoritative: bool = False, round_robin: bool = True, verbose: bool = False) ‑> bool
Check's each of our domain's TXT record until the value matches it's verification token or until the timeout is reached. This method should be executed before executing the
method. This method can take several minutes to complete, ensure you adjust the timeout value accordingly.Args
- The amount of time (in seconds) to continue trying to verify the TXT records.
- The amount of time (in seconds) between DNS requests per domain.
- Identify and use the authoritative nameserver for each domain instead of the
values. round_robin
- Rotate between each nameserver instead of the default failover behavior.
- Print DNS answers to the console.
- A boolean indicating whether all the
correctly return their verification token in the corresponding TXT records.
>>> client.nameservers = ["", ""] >>> client.check_dns_propagation( ... timeout=180, ... interval=5, ... authoritative=False, ... round_robin=True, ... verbose=False ... ) Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'O32-fd_...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'O32-fd_...' for '' found in ['O32-fd_...'] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' found in ['moY3Cd0...'] via True
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def check_dns_propagation( self, timeout: int = 300, interval: int = 2, authoritative: bool = False, round_robin: bool = True, verbose: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Check's each of our domain's TXT record until the value matches it's verification token or until the timeout is reached. This method should be executed before executing the `request_certificates()` method. This method can take several minutes to complete, ensure you adjust the timeout value accordingly. Args: timeout (int): The amount of time (in seconds) to continue trying to verify the TXT records. interval (int): The amount of time (in seconds) between DNS requests per domain. authoritative (bool): Identify and use the authoritative nameserver for each domain instead of the `nameservers` values. round_robin (bool): Rotate between each nameserver instead of the default failover behavior. verbose (bool): Print DNS answers to the console. Returns: bool: A boolean indicating whether all the `domains` correctly return their verification token in the corresponding TXT records. Examples: >>> client.nameservers = ["", ""] >>> client.check_dns_propagation( ... timeout=180, ... interval=5, ... authoritative=False, ... round_robin=True, ... verbose=False ... ) Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'O32-fd_...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'O32-fd_...' for '' found in ['O32-fd_...'] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' not found in [] via Token 'moY3Cd0...' for '' found in ['moY3Cd0...'] via True """ # Variables verified = [] resolvers = [] timeout = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) # Create a DNS resolver objects for each domain being verified. for domain, tokens in self._verification_tokens.items(): # Create a resolver for each token required for verification of this domain. for token in tokens: resolv = tools.DNSQuery( domain, rtype='TXT', authoritative=authoritative, nameservers=self.nameservers, round_robin=round_robin ) resolvers.append((domain, token, resolv)) # Loop until we have exceeded our timeout value while < timeout: # Loop through each domain being verified for domain, token, resolver in resolvers: # Only try to verify the domain if it has not already been verified if token not in verified: resolver.resolve() # Save this domain as verified if our token was found in the TXT record values if token in resolver.values: verified.append(token) # If verbose mode is enabled, print the results to the console if verbose: action = ('found' if token in verified else 'not found') values = resolver.values nameserver = resolver.last_nameserver msg = f"Token '{token}' for '{domain}' {action} in {values} via {nameserver}" print(msg) # Check that all resolvers completed verification if len(verified) == len(resolvers): return True # Avoid flooding the DNS server(s) by briefly pausing between DNS checks time.sleep(interval) return False
def deactivate_account(self, delete: bool = True) ‑> None
Deactivates the current account registration. This action is irreversible.
- Indicate whether the associated account file on the local system should also be deleted after deactivation.
>>> client.deactivate_account()
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def deactivate_account(self, delete: bool = True) -> None: """ Deactivates the current account registration. This action is irreversible. Args: delete (bool): Indicate whether the associated account file on the local system should also be deleted after deactivation. Examples: >>> client.deactivate_account() """ # Tell the ACME server to deactivate this account self.acme_client.deactivate_registration(self.account) # If this object contains a linked file path, and deletion is requested, delete the linked file if self.account_path and delete: # Delete the file if it's present try: pathlib.Path(self.account_path).unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass
def export_account(self, save_certificate: bool = True, save_private_key: bool = False) ‑> str
Exports the object as a JSON string. This allows the ACME account data to be exported to a string that can be re-imported for use later.
- Indicate whether the existing certificate should also be stored in the JSON string.
- Indicate whether the private key should also be stored in the JSON string.
- The current object encoded as a JSON string.
>>> client.export_account(save_certificate=True, save_private_key=True) '{"account": {"body": {"key": {"n": "vtByzpW..."}}}}'
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def export_account(self, save_certificate: bool = True, save_private_key: bool = False) -> str: """ Exports the object as a JSON string. This allows the ACME account data to be exported to a string that can be re-imported for use later. Args: save_certificate (bool): Indicate whether the existing certificate should also be stored in the JSON string. save_private_key (booL): Indicate whether the private key should also be stored in the JSON string. Returns: str: The current object encoded as a JSON string. Examples: >>> client.export_account(save_certificate=True, save_private_key=True) '{"account": {"body": {"key": {"n": "vtByzpW..."}}}}' """ # Format our object into a serializable format acct_data = { 'account': self.account.to_json(), 'account_key': self.account_key.json_dumps(), 'directory':, 'verify_ssl':, 'domains': self._domains, 'certificate': self.certificate.decode() if save_certificate else '', 'private_key': self.private_key.decode() if save_private_key else '' } return json.dumps(acct_data)
def export_account_to_file(self, path: str = '.', name: str = 'account.json', save_certificate: bool = True, save_private_key: bool = False) ‑> None
Exports the object as a JSON string. This allows the ACME account data to be exported to a file that can be re-imported for use later.
- The directory path to save the account file to. Defaults to the current working directory.
- The file name to save. Defaults to
. save_certificate
- Indicate whether the existing certificate should also be stored in the JSON string.
- Indicate whether the private key should also be stored in the JSON string.
- when the requested directory path does not exist.
>>> client.export_account_to_file( ... path="/tmp/", ... name="my_acme_account.json", ... save_certificate=True, ... save_private_key=True ... )
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def export_account_to_file( self, path: str = '.', name: str = 'account.json', save_certificate: bool = True, save_private_key: bool = False ) -> None: """ Exports the object as a JSON string. This allows the ACME account data to be exported to a file that can be re-imported for use later. Args: path (str): The directory path to save the account file to. Defaults to the current working directory. name (str): The file name to save. Defaults to `account.json`. save_certificate (bool): Indicate whether the existing certificate should also be stored in the JSON string. save_private_key (booL): Indicate whether the private key should also be stored in the JSON string. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidPath: when the requested directory path does not exist. Examples: >>> client.export_account_to_file( ... path="/tmp/", ... name="my_acme_account.json", ... save_certificate=True, ... save_private_key=True ... ) """ dir_path = pathlib.Path(path).absolute() # Ensure our path is an existing directory, throw an error otherwise if dir_path.is_dir(): # Open the file and write our JSON content with open(str(dir_path.joinpath(name)), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as account_file: account_file.write(self.export_account(save_certificate, save_private_key)) self.account_path = str(dir_path.joinpath(name)) else: msg = f"Directory at '{path}' does not exist." raise errors.InvalidPath(msg)
def generate_csr(self) ‑> bytes
Generates a new CSR using the object's
- The X509 CSR data bytes-string. This method will update the
attribute of the object with the same value.
>>> client.generate_csr() b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\nMIHxMIGZAgECMAAwWTATBgckjkn...'
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def generate_csr(self) -> bytes: """ Generates a new CSR using the object's `domains` and `private_key` attributes. Returns: bytes: The X509 CSR data bytes-string. This method will update the `csr` attribute of the object with the same value. Examples: >>> client.generate_csr() b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\\nMIHxMIGZAgECMAAwWTATBgckjkn...' """ self.csr = crypto_util.make_csr(self.private_key, return self.csr
def generate_private_key(self, key_type: str = 'ec256') ‑> bytes
Generates a new RSA or EC private key.
- The requested
type. Options are: [ec256
- The PEM encoded private key data bytes-string. This method will update the
property of the object with the same value.
- When an unknown/unsupported
is requested.
>>> client.generate_private_key(key_type="ec384") b'-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIGkAgEBBDAZRFNLcQdVJmLh42p8F4D92...'
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def generate_private_key(self, key_type: str = 'ec256') -> bytes: """ Generates a new RSA or EC private key. Args: key_type (str): The requested `private_key` type. Options are: [`ec256`, `ec384`, `rsa2048`, `rsa4096`] Returns: bytes: The PEM encoded private key data bytes-string. This method will update the `private_key` property of the object with the same value. Raises: simple_acme_dns.errors.InvalidKeyType: When an unknown/unsupported `key_type` is requested. Examples: >>> client.generate_private_key(key_type="ec384") b'-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----\\nMIGkAgEBBDAZRFNLcQdVJmLh42p8F4D92...' """ # Generate a EC256 private key if key_type == 'ec256': key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1(), default_backend()) self.private_key = key.private_bytes( encoding=Encoding.PEM, format=PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=NoEncryption()) # Generate a EC384 private key elif key_type == 'ec384': key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP384R1(), default_backend()) self.private_key = key.private_bytes( encoding=Encoding.PEM, format=PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=NoEncryption() ) # Generate a RSA2048 private key elif key_type == 'rsa2048': key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey() key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048) self.private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key) # Generate a RSA4096 private key elif key_type == 'rsa4096': key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey() key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 4096) self.private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key) # Otherwise, the requested key type is not supported. Throw an error else: options = ['ec256', 'ec384', 'rsa2048', 'rsa4096'] msg = f"Invalid private key rtype '{key_type}'. Options {options}" raise errors.InvalidKeyType(msg) return self.private_key
def generate_private_key_and_csr(self, key_type: str = 'ec256') ‑> tuple
Generates a new private key and CSR.
- The requested
type. Options are: [ec256
- A tuple with the first value containing the private key, the second value contains the CSR. This
method will update the
properties of this object with the same values.
>>> client.generate_private_key_and_csr(key_type="rsa2048") (b'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvAIBA...', b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\nMIHxM...')
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def generate_private_key_and_csr(self, key_type: str = 'ec256') -> tuple: """ Generates a new private key and CSR. Args: key_type (str): The requested `private_key` type. Options are: [`ec256`, `ec384`, `rsa2048`, `rsa4096`] Returns: tuple: A tuple with the first value containing the private key, the second value contains the CSR. This method will update the `private_key` and `csr` properties of this object with the same values. Examples: >>> client.generate_private_key_and_csr(key_type="rsa2048") (b'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nMIIEvAIBA...', b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\\nMIHxM...') """ self.generate_private_key(key_type=key_type) self.generate_csr() return self.private_key, self.csr
def new_account(self, verify_ssl=True) ‑> None
Registers a new ACME account at the set ACME
URL. By running this method, you are agreeing to the ACME servers terms of use.Args
- Verify the SSL certificate of the ACME server when making requests.
>>> client.new_account()
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def new_account(self, verify_ssl=True) -> None: """ Registers a new ACME account at the set ACME `directory` URL. By running this method, you are agreeing to the ACME servers terms of use. Args: verify_ssl (bool): Verify the SSL certificate of the ACME server when making requests. Examples: >>> client.new_account() """ # Generate a new RSA2048 account key rsa_key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend()) self.account_key = jose.JWKRSA(key=rsa_key) # Initialize our ACME client object = client.ClientNetwork(self.account_key, user_agent='simple_acme_dns/v2', verify_ssl=verify_ssl) self.directory_obj = messages.Directory.from_json( self.acme_client = client.ClientV2(self.directory_obj, # Complete registration registration = messages.NewRegistration.from_data(email=self._email, terms_of_service_agreed=True) self.account = self.acme_client.new_account(registration)
def request_certificate(self, wait: int = 0, timeout: int = 90) ‑> bytes
Requests a final verification answer from the ACME server and requests the certificate if verification was successful. If you request the certificate before DNS has propagated and verification fails, you must start the verification process over entirely by requesting new verification tokens.
- The amount of time (in seconds) to wait before requesting a challenge answer from the
server. This is only necessary if you are not using the
method to verify the DNS records exist and would rather wait a specific amount of time instead. timeout
- The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the ACME server to respond with a certificate. If the ACME server does not respond within this time-frame, the request will be considered a failure.
- The PEM encoded certificate data bytes-string. This method will update the
attribute with this value.
>>> client.request_certificate() b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIEfzCCA2egAwI...
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def request_certificate(self, wait: int = 0, timeout: int = 90) -> bytes: """ Requests a final verification answer from the ACME server and requests the certificate if verification was successful. If you request the certificate before DNS has propagated and verification fails, you must start the verification process over entirely by requesting new verification tokens. Args: wait (int): The amount of time (in seconds) to wait before requesting a challenge answer from the server. This is only necessary if you are not using the `check_dns_propagation()` method to verify the DNS records exist and would rather wait a specific amount of time instead. timeout (int): The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the ACME server to respond with a certificate. If the ACME server does not respond within this time-frame, the request will be considered a failure. Returns: bytes: The PEM encoded certificate data bytes-string. This method will update the `certificate` attribute with this value. Examples: >>> client.request_certificate() b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\\nMIIEfzCCA2egAwI... """ # Allow the user to specify an amount of time to wait before requesting the certificate time.sleep(wait) deadline = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) # For each domain being challenged, request answers for their challenges for _, challenge_list in self.challenges.items(): # Request an answer for each of this domain's challenges for challenge in challenge_list: self.answers.append( self.acme_client.answer_challenge(challenge, self.responses[challenge.chall.token]) ) # Request our final order and save the certificate if successful self.final_order = self.acme_client.poll_and_finalize(self.order, deadline=deadline) self.certificate = self.final_order.fullchain_pem.encode() return self.certificate
def request_verification_tokens(self) ‑> dict
Requests verification tokens from the ACME server for each
value. These tokens must be uploaded as a DNS TXT record for each corresponding domain to complete verification.Returns
- A dictionary where the key is the domain name the DNS name, and the value is a list of verification token strings that must be uploaded as a TXT record for that DNS name.
>>> client.request_verification_tokens() { "": ["moY32lkdsZ3VWHM1mdM..."], "": ["asldfkjslweietj23_b...", "nMIIEvAIBA2-212_w..."] }
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def request_verification_tokens(self) -> dict: """ Requests verification tokens from the ACME server for each `domains` value. These tokens must be uploaded as a DNS TXT record for each corresponding domain to complete verification. Returns: dict: A dictionary where the key is the domain name the DNS name, and the value is a list of verification token strings that must be uploaded as a TXT record for that DNS name. Examples: >>> client.request_verification_tokens() { "": ["moY32lkdsZ3VWHM1mdM..."], "": ["asldfkjslweietj23_b...", "nMIIEvAIBA2-212_w..."] } """ # Variables verification_tokens = {} self.responses = {} self.order = self.acme_client.new_order(self.csr) # Loop through each domain being challenged for domain, challenge_items in self.challenges.items(): # Ensure the ACME label is prefixed to this domain and the wildcard is removed domain = f"{DNS_LABEL}.{self.strip_wildcard(domain)}" # Loop through each challenge for this domain and extract the response and verification token from each for challenge in challenge_items: # Create a dict list item for this domain to store it's associated verification tokens in verification_tokens[domain] = verification_tokens[domain] if domain in verification_tokens else [] # Obtain the response and validation items from this challenge response, validation = challenge.response_and_validation( verification_tokens[domain].append(validation) # Save the response, so it can be looked up later using the challenge token self.responses[challenge.chall.token] = response # Set our new verification tokens and return the value self._verification_tokens = verification_tokens return self.verification_tokens
def revoke_certificate(self, reason: int = 0) ‑> None
Attempts to revoke the existing certificate from the issuing ACME server.
- The numeric reason for revocation identifier. In most cases, this can be left as
. For more information, refer to:
>>> client.revoke_certificate()
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def revoke_certificate(self, reason: int = 0) -> None: """ Attempts to revoke the existing certificate from the issuing ACME server. Args: reason (int): The numeric reason for revocation identifier. In most cases, this can be left as `0`. For more information, refer to: Examples: >>> client.revoke_certificate() """ # Load the certificate crypto object and request revocation from the ACME server cert_obj = jose.ComparableX509(OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.certificate)) self.acme_client.revoke(cert_obj, reason)